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Welcome to AVUSD!   We believe that parent/guardian participation is key to student success.  We value your commitment and partnership in sending your students to school each and everyday!  If you can not find what you are looking for on this site, please contact our site offices:
ELEMENTARY:  707-895-3010
JR./SR. HIGH:  707-895-3496

Superintendent’s Message

Dear Anderson Valley USD Families,

As we head into Fall Break, I want to wish you and your family members a warm and wonderful  Thanksgiving! 

I hope that you and your children have time to rest and laugh and play!  As the mother of grown children (24 and 27), I cherish the memories from the times they were small. I hope that you go outside, read together, and take lots and lots of photos!  This time is fleeting and the memories of quality time spent together will last a lifetime.

Kristin Larson Balliet
Superintendent, Anderson Valley Unified School District

While keeping the focus on warm holiday wishes, I do want to share a couple important pieces of information below….

School Breaks are Coming
Spring Break is March 31 - April 4, 2025

Immigration Support 
If you have questions about your legal rights, please see the fliers attached to this letter for information about legal clinics and workshops available!

Students in Need of Warm Clothing?
It is getting cold! Some students have been bringing blankets to school and we have reminded them that blankets should stay at home; they do not contribute to an alert frame of mind for learning. If your child needs a jacket, please contact one of the people listed below; we will handle it with respect and confidentiality!
AVES Principal, Dave Ramalia [email protected] 
AV Jr/Sr High Principal, Heath McNerney [email protected] 
Community Schools Coordinator, Nat Corey-Moran [email protected] / Nat can also be called at (707) 354-3330
AVUSD Receives $500,000 from the USDA to Update Facilities
After months of filling  out paperwork, the Anderson Valley Elementary School District received a $500,000 USDA Grant that was facilitated by Congressman Jared Huffman's office.  Originally applied for by the prior superintendent, Louise Simson, in conjunction with Congressman Huffman’s staff, the arduous process of filing the paperwork to generate the funding passed its last hurdle when the $500,000 grant was deposited in the school district's account on Wednesday. This grant was originally for the septic system, which required repair about two years ago and was funded in arrears, allowing us to redirect the funding for the upcoming kitchen remodel that ties into the septic system.

These funds will help to pay for important updates to the AVES kitchen. We are very thankful to Louise Simson for getting this process started and helping get it through to the end.  We are also deeply grateful to the USDA and Congressman Huffman and his staff for helping us navigate the mountains of paperwork that were required to bring this funding to fruition. That kitchen is going to be fantastic!

Photo: Anderson Valley Elementary Students gather to thank Congressman Huffman's office and the USDA.
I wish you and your families a wonderful, fun, and relaxing Fall Break!

With respect,

Kristin Larson Balliet
Anderson Valley Unified School District 
Estimadas familias del USD de Anderson Valley:

Mientras nos acercamos al final de este viernes antes de las vacaciones de otoño, quiero desearles a usted y a sus familiares un cálido y maravilloso Día de Acción de Gracias. 

¡Espero que usted y sus hijos tengan tiempo para descansar, reír y jugar!  Como madre de hijos mayores (24 y 27), atesoro los recuerdos de cuando eran pequeños. ¡Espero que salgan, lean juntos y tomen muchísimas fotos!  Este tiempo es fugaz y los recuerdos del tiempo de calidad que pasamos juntos durarán toda la vida.

Kristin Larson Balliet
Superintendente, Distrito Escolar Unificado de Anderson Valley 

Si bien me centré en los cálidos deseos navideños, quiero compartir un par de datos importantes a continuación….

Se acercan las vacaciones escolares
Las vacaciones de primavera seran el 31 de marzo al 4 de abril.

Apoyo a la inmigración 
Si tiene preguntas sobre sus derechos legales, consulte los folletos adjuntos a esta carta para obtener información sobre las clínicas y talleres legales disponibles.

¿Estudiantes que necesitan ropa abrigada?
¡Hace frío! Algunos alumnos han estado trayendo mantas al colegio y les hemos recordado que las mantas deben quedarse en casa; no contribuyen a un estado mental alerta para el aprendizaje. Si su hijo necesita una chamarra, comuníquese con una de las personas que se enumeran a continuación; ¡Lo manejaremos con respeto y confidencialidad!
AVES Principal, Dave Ramalia [email protected] 
Director de OF Jr/Sr High, Heath McNerney [email protected] 
Coordinador de escuelas comunitarias, Nat Corey-Moran [email protected] / A Nat también se le puede llamar al (707) 354-3330
AVUSD recibe $500,000 del USDA para actualizar instalaciones
Después de meses de completar el papeleo, el Distrito Escolar Primario de Anderson Valley recibió una subvención del USDA de $500,000 que fue facilitada por la oficina del congresista Jared Huffman.  Solicitado originalmente por la superintendente anterior, Louise Simson, junto con el personal del congresista Huffman, el arduo proceso de presentar la documentación para generar los fondos superó su último obstáculo cuando la subvención de $500,000 se depositó en la cuenta del distrito escolar el miércoles. Esta subvención fue originalmente para el sistema séptico, que requirió reparación hace aproximadamente dos años y se financió atrasado, lo que nos permitió redirigir los fondos para la próxima remodelación de la cocina que se vincula con el sistema séptico.

Estos fondos ayudarán a pagar actualizaciones importantes de la cocina de AVES. Estamos muy agradecidos con Louise Simson por iniciar este proceso y ayudar a llevarlo hasta el final.  También estamos profundamente agradecidos al USDA y al congresista Huffman y su personal por ayudarnos a superar las montañas de papeleo que fueron necesarios para que esta financiación se hiciera realidad. ¡Esa cocina va a quedar fantástica!

¡Les deseo a ustedes y a sus familias unas maravillosas, divertidas y relajantes vacaciones de otoño!

Con respecto,

Kristin Larson Balliet
Distrito Escolar Unificado del Valle de Anderson 

News & Announcements

Class of 2024

Graduation Ceremonies a Success!

Family and friends celebrated 6th and 8th grade promotion ceremonies and high school graduation with festive style! All the best to our Class of 2024!
Day of the Child

Day of the Child!

Peachland Preschool celebrated Day of the Child with friends and family! A magical day!
Elementary Student of the Month!

AVES Student of the Month

AVES students were celebrated with special staff recognition in the Student of the Month celebrations!
Students Travel to Puerto Rico


Under the direction of Miss Cook and chaperones, students enjoyed an amazing experiential learning trip in Puerto Rico during Spring Break generously supported by The Anderson Valley Education Foundation and other generous donors!
Student Coordinator Photo


Congratulations to Anahi Anguiano and Marissa Alvarez on their stunning Senior Project created in collaboration with CHP, Anderson Valley Fire and Ambulance, CALSTAR, Lucky Deuce and numerous other life/safety agencies!
Mendo Lake Speech Contest

Mendo Lake FFA Speech Competition!

Anderson Vally FFA had a great day at the Mendo-Lake FFA Section Speaking Contests at Me docino College.
Adolfo placed 5th in the Spanish Creed Speaking Contest! Anthony Fashauer placed 5th in Prepared Public Speaking! Emilia Bennett placed 4th in the Job Interview Contest! Zoe Bennett placed 2nd in English Creed Speaking Contest! Both Emilia and Zoe will be moving on to the North Coast Regional Contests in early March!
Congratulations everyone!
Winter Camp Dance

Winter Camp at AVES

Students attending the four-day session enjoyed winter-themed academics, gingerbread making, soccer camp, science and math activities, and much more!  The free camps offered additional after care at no charge to the families.
